I'll check this option out, thanks for the tip Alex.

I guess the other option too, which I have not tried, is to possibly pass in the values as lua script parameters.

On 23/03/12 12:12, Alex Balashov wrote:
Have you considered using selectors/cfg_get variables instead?

They are also a common way to store various types of "global" values/constants, 
with the difference that they can be accessed at run time using PV container functions 
instead of set at preprocessing.

myproject.local_ip = "" descr "IP address"

$sel(cfg_get.my project.local_ip)
Or SER-style: @cfg_get.my project.local_ip

You can evaluate those in Lua, right?

Alex Balashov - Principal
Evariste Systems LLC
235 E Ponce de Leon Ave
Suite 106
Atlanta, GA 30030
Tel: +1-678-954-0671
Web: http://www.evaristesys.com/, http://www.alexbalashov.com

Asgaroth<00asgarot...@gmail.com>  wrote:

Hi All,

I am looking at writing a lua function that would really benefit from
accessing "variables" that I would have defined by using the #!define
statement. Is this at all possible? I've tried looking at the
documentation surrounding lua and kamailio, but I cannot see how I would
access it. I thought I'd ask the list to see if anyone else may have
attempted this.

for example, I may have


Which I subsequently use through the the routing script to refer to the
internal address I am listening on. Now I would like to try and access
this "variable" from a lua script. Any pointers/tips/workarounds would
be greatly appreciated.


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