On 5/13/13 4:38 PM, Alex Balashov wrote:
On 05/13/2013 09:30 AM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
Just to understand exactly:

A calls B
B redirects to C and is captured by proxy

then from proxy you have two parallel outgoing branches to C?

How you take the address of C and create the branch? uac_redirect or
other script functions?

Yes, your understanding of the scenario is correct.

No, I do not use any of the uac_* or contacts functions. I manually catch the 302 in a failure_route, manually parse out the relevant details from the Contact header, rewrite the RURI (prior to append_branch()), append_branch() and t_relay().

append_branch() is not needed anymore (for couple of releases, actually, being added in one of the 3.x releases), but should be harmless unless you do other changes of r-uri/dst-uri after append_branch(). Can you try without append branch?

Also, can you look at config execution trace to be sure append branch is not called twice somehow?


Daniel-Constantin Mierla - http://www.asipto.com
http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
Kamailio Advanced Training, San Francisco, USA - June 24-27, 2013
  * http://asipto.com/u/katu *

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