> I am starting the xsession as part of the ssh-agent. When do I use ssh-add?
> Which key, identity or identity.pub should I use on the SSH client (in this case NT)?

Ah, if the *SSH client* is NT you need to run the ssh-agent *on the NT box*.
If, on the other hand, you are using the NT box as "just" an X terminal to
another box which is running SSH, then the ssh-agent needs to run on that
other box. This last message implies you are running the ssh-agent on a box
which uses an xsession file - which would imply a multi-user system and not
NT (unless you have an NT server supporting X terminals). So can you
be more explicit about what's running where?

Anyway, in general, *after* ssh-agent in running, ssh-add can be run to
"load" a private key into the agent. Since it's a private key, it's
in the "identity" file - which is the default file for ssh-add to use.
The ssh-add command will prompt you for the passphrase and will then
send the *unencrypted* private key to the agent. The agent will then
use it when required to annswer challanges from remote servers to which
you are connecting using SSH.

        David Pick

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