> I have downloaded OpenSSH and am trying to get it to work. The sshd is started in 
> After logging in, the 'ps' command does list it:
> (0)root@myhost:~ => ps waux | grep ssh
> root     18615  0.0  0.8  1424  536 ?    S    Jan19   0:01 sshd -f 
>/usr/local/etc/sshd_config -h /usr/local/etc/ssh_host_key

Er, this is starting an ssh *server* process when you log in.
It's much more usual to have such a server process running all the time
(or at least started from inetd) so it's listening all the time.
Or don't run it at all if you don't want incoming connections.
You don't need to run it to make *outgoing* ssh connections.

> After that, I am issuing the ssh-agent command. I have tried 2 options.
> $ ssh-agent bash
> $ ssh-agent login
> The instance of ssh-agent seem to be valid only for that xterm. Once the xterm is
> terminated, the ssh-agent is terminated too.

Yes. Think about the inheritance of the FD for the ssh-agent process.
If you want it to be valid for all xterms started from the window manager
and/or the desktop for a particular X session you have to run the
manager process as a sub-process of ssh-agent. *My* .xsm file in my
home directory starts the window manager under the control of ssh-agent:
        ssh-agent fvwm2

        David Pick

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