On Thu, Jan 20, 2000 at 02:53:51PM -0500, Subba Rao wrote:
> I am a bit confused. If ssh-agent, ssh-add and ssh-keygen are client side
> apps, why are the binaries generated on Linux? Why does the ssh-agent man
> page suggest that ssh-agent be started during the Xsession?
Because when you install sshd you also install ssh/slogin/scp/etc...? If you
run ssh-agent from the Xsession (starting your window manager), the agent
will be in effect for all children of the manager, so all your windows can
> The couple of SSH client's, I have found for NT and 95 are TeraTermPro and Putty.
> None of the packages have the binaries ssh-agent, ssh-keygen and ssh-add.
I actually don't know of any Windows clients w/ ssh-agent or ssh-add. Key
generation is available on at least the F-secure client. (optionally, you
can generate a key on UNIX and ftp it to the windows client... klugy, but it
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