[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 06/08/2000 07:23:32 AM
>"Noel L Yap" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> OK, I've read this, but since I'm a bit of a newbie, I have a couple of
>> questions:
>> 1. Can the SRP authentication be used to authenticate the client to the host
>> without the use of assymetric keys?  I understand that this may not be as
>> (since passwords generally have less entropy than keys), but in some
>> the convenience is worth the risk.
>One way to look at SRP is to view it like a assymetric system where
>the user's private key is derived from a password. But the
>host-authentication part of it really uses the verifier as a shared
>(symmetric) secret.
>> 2. What effects would such a change have on ssh-agent and ssh-add?
>You would either have to type the SRP password each time, or tell the
>agent about it. Or just get the hostkey and use the traditional host-
>and userauthentication mechanisms in ssh.
>Note that LSH doesn't (yet) have anything like ssh-agent or ssh-add.
>I'm expecting the gateway feature (once that is implemented) to be
>able to replace aah-agent in many cases. See
>http://www.lysator.liu.se/~nisse/lsh/doc/gateway-mode.txt for some
>ideas about that.

This is great!  I prefer using SSH to secure CVS, but I don't really like the
key management issue (since I really have to trust the clients not to put the
keys in a safe place (and, sometimes, unsafe places aren't so obviously unsafe);
I would much rather trust them keeping their passphrases secret).

Now, what's the expected time frame or turn-around time for such a project?


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