> The main [reason to keep using SSH1] is to have backward compatibility
> since not everyone is using SSH2.

I guess the working assumption from Tatu and the rest of the SSH folks
was that everyone would be moving to SSH2 and backward compatibility
would not be an issue.

>  Also has been around much longer and they have worked out all the bugs in 
> this software,

I know this is just nitpicking, but in the extremely likely event that
the software has not been formally verified, it is known to nobody
whether there still are bugs.

More bugs have been found and corrected than in ssh2 so far, of course.

> Secondly SSH2 has no option on the Windows side to choose form a List
> of Servers and then pick one and log in. TTSSH+SSH1 has this ability,

I haven't tested the SSH2 Windows client at all, so I wouldn't know. It
would, though, strike me as odd if this were missing - the list feature
was there in F-Secure SSH 1 for Windows, the other "official" client.
Not that it matters, because the two aren't the same...

And of course, it is not TTSSH+SSH1 that has this ability, it is there
in Tera Term even without SSH. TTSSH just adds an extra network protocol
to Tera Term and hasn't got a lot to do with the UI of Tera Term as such.

Even if it is the case that the feature is missing from SSH2 for Windows,
it is merely an inconvenience, not an omission of crucial functionality
(as opposed to the support for some environments that I mentioned...)

> this is very important for for a lot 
> of Window Users who just don't know the Server Names.

I'd hate to think my users were so thick that they didn't know which
computer they were using and had to guess from a list.

Atro Tossavainen (Mr.), Systems Analyst - email at URL - +358-9-850-111-86
Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, Finland
My opinions may freely be shared by my employers if they want to.

< URL : http : / / www . iki . fi / atro . tossavainen / >

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