On Fri, 10 Aug 2001, J Grant wrote:

> Hello
> I have a small request, could the moderator of the email list add [ssh]:
> to the subject of emails that go through this list please?
> It would be simpler to search for emails I file then and also I can
> reply to important emails quicker.
> Would anyone else be interested in this subject modification?
> This is a request, i have only just joined so I dont want to sound
> authoritive.
> Regards

As a newcomer myself, I was going to ask for the exact 
same thing, so mails from this list are immediately 
identifiable in amongst the 4,000 other emails I have 
to handle a day!  ;o)


| Gary Wilson, Senior UNIX Analyst,
| One2One UNIX Systems Group
======= http://www.one2one.co.uk =======

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