Jerry Barnes wrote:
> Ruby owners,
>    Ron Brown said you only get about a 10 minute run out of them. Is that
> true? If so, I see new fuel tanks and water pumps in their future. Be a
> hassle refilling it all the time. Like to hear your experiences with it.
> Clark?

I am now on run number 32.  I have been using my stop watch for several
runs.  It takes right at 5 minutes to get steam up when cold and 4
minutes when running time after time.  My max. burner time so far is 11
- 12 minutes.  My maximum actual rolling down the track time is 8
minutes with no load.  It pulls three metal wheeled cars with ease.

When firing with a minimum flame I can open the throttle full and the
engine will move slowly around the track.  There is 30 ml of water
remaining in the boiler.  The safety valve never lifts.

When firing with a high flame I must barely open the throttle to get
slow operation.  The safety valve will be weeping/popping most of the
time and there will be no water left in the boiler.  

The fact that I can 1) "over fire" the engine, 2)have the safety blowing
all the time, 3)still get a 10 minute run and 4)still have a few drops
of water in the boiler when done indicates a large safety margin is
built in.

In all cases the best time has been 12 minutes of firing time.

My engine howls loudly at all but the lowest gas settings.  So I run the
engine at the lowest setting.

My engine had a gas leak at the filler valve and I sealed it using
Rectorseal (found in plumbing supply houses).  I was wondering why so
short a run.  My first 4 runs were around 8 minutes total burner time.

I'm glad to read other reports on the Ruby saying that longer times have
been recorded.  Right now I think a larger gas tank is needed along with
a "Goodall" filler on the steam dome to add water while under pressure.

No doubt someone will make these items available.

This weekend several fellows from California and Utah will be steaming
up here at the house.  Kevin O'Connor will be here with his modified
Ruby.  I will fire the second engine I have to see how it preforms. 
More later as I know it.
Clark B Lord - Las Vegas, Nevada   USA   702-431-3568
Live Steamer running 1:32, 1:20.3, 1:12 & 1:8 engines 

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