>    With a larger fuel tank, is the Ruby in danger of running out of water
> before running out of fuel?

Ruby is equipped with a steam turret that has two, or possibly 
three, plugged bushings.  There is a "deluxe" model which comes 
with a different paint job and a pressure gauge, which would use 
one of them.  The other could accomodate a Goodall or other type 
check valve (even a tender hand pump) which would permit you to 
refill the boiler while in steam.  With such a valve installed, a larger 
gas tank would not present any problem, assuming you remember 
to inject some water at the appropriate moment.  

It has no water glass, though, so you'd have to measure how much 
water is consumed by the original gas quantity, estimate how 
much water the larger tank would consume, then plan your refilling 
so as to insure that there is more than enough water to finish the 
gas off.


Vance Bass                
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Small-scale live steam resources: http://www.nmia.com/~vrbass 

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