Salty Lloyd,

Just read your bio and wish you the very best in our hobby, we need people
like you!--you know, older than dirt, cantankerous  and ex Navy--my Good
Lord! AND-I demand respect from you--I WAS A ROYAL MARINE, also I am OLD
duffer of 77 years that found the elixir of youth when I purchased my first
live steam loco in 1975, an Aster Schools- at a fortune $500!! It still
runs and looks almost like new. So now, you too, will only grow only
younger with our fantastic hobby!

Keep up the good word--and happy steaming,

With alcohol, coal, fire and brimstone--and sometimes I raise a little steam!


  Bio - Lloyd Fogelquist, Portland, OR, age 64 retired from Freightliner
>after 35 years in various capacities from a Assembler to a Senior Test
>Technician in R&D.  Retired from the Naval Reserve as a Chief Hull
>Maintenance Technician.  I have an extensive background in machining and
>metal fabrication as it relates to Submarines and Trucks.  I have just
>started in the garden raliway hobby.  I bought three "sparkies" before
>discovering live steam.  I have purchased one Cricket and have a Ruby on
>order to be delivered in March 2000 (if I am lucky).
>    I am currently setting up a mini-machine shop and hope to get into
>scratch building live steam locomotives.  My ultimate goal is to build from
>scratch a "Willamette" geared locomotive in live steam. (like a Shay)   I
>like all the funky little engines that were used in the early years of steam
>power.  I have a lot to learn about small scale live steam before undertaking
>such a project.


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