Newbie Introduction

I have no idea if this will get to the proper place but here goes.

I am 63 years old, close to retirement and have been a model 
railroader (HOn3) for many years with a serious interest in home 
machining for the last 20 years. I have no experience with live steam 
railroading but have had a latent interest in it. My friend recently 
purchased a Ruby and this has piqued my interest. A back yard 
railroad is out of the question as my back yard is rather small and 
my knees are terrible. My interests would be more related to 
locomotive construction.

I do not wish to appear selfish but I hope lurking is permissible. 
Having no experience in live steaming I cannot contribute much but 
will have questions.

I have been reading some of the archives and this appears to be a 
very informative group. I look forward to learning.

Regards, Les Grenz
Denver, CO

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