In a message dated 00-03-22 17:36:12 EST, you write:

<< Does his machine only cut wood, or could it be used like an EDM for
 metal? >>
     I at one time looked into a laser that would cut thin sheet metal or 
wood.  You better have real deep pockets if you want one of them.  
Freightliner has a couple of them that will cut up to 1/4 steel, they are 
very accurate but also very expensive.  Not something for the home work shop. 
 I looked at one for doing small wood parts for minature houses (doll houses) 
in 1" to 1' and it would have cost over $15,000 for one that would cut thin 
plywood (1/8") and the ones for metal I think were over $50,000.  I think I 
will stick to my scroll saw untill I hit the lotery.  [:-}  They do work 
slick and fast.


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