At 4:29 PM -0700 5/5/00, Charles W. Walters wrote:
>I know this has been hashed around a lot, but I want to ask again and this
>time pay very close attention to your responses.  Why, because my new
>Roundhouse Fowler just arrived and I don't want to damage it in any way.
>The directions say "100% butane only", however, if I am not mistaken,
>several of you have used 70% butane/30% propane mix and have been very

At issue, I believe, is the pressure rating of the on-board gas tank. The
manufacturer doesn't believe it will survive the higher pressure of the
butane/propane mix.

Conversely, that higher pressure is what makes it work so well in the cold.

A number of gas tanks are rated for the butane/propane mix, but some
aren't. If the maker says use only 100 percent butane, then you should
follow the recommendation.

FYI, the Accucraft, makers of the Ruby, say 100 percent butane in their
literature, but I know of a number of people (myself included) who use
butane/propane will no ill effects. But you are doing so at your own risk.

Dave Cole, General Manager
Grand Teton & Everglades Steam Excursion Co.
(formerly the Westline & Mussel Rock Railroad) <>
Pacifica, Calif. USA
List Mom: sslivesteam, the list of small-scale live steamers


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