To all members of sslivesteam colegroup my sincere Apologia to 
all for my comments here! Walt right this site is for are enjoyment of live 
steam to discuss chat even yell if need be but the content always should be 
about are great hobby live steam small scale locomotives hobby! am sorry Guys 
Walt comments hit to close to home here Sorry to vent steam i must have had 
my head up my caboose last nit, Walt just one more little comment here i do 
have little back ground to having BA in education and former high school 
teacher and football coach moreover my father was employed by the Santa Fe RR 
in Colorado for 28 years! i mean he my Father -started- from -the -bottom- 
sweeping -floors -track- work- mail -baggage grease- monkey -you- name it he 
did it but always got paid fair be because of you know who and what! and 
finally he my Father made station agent so I have seen both sides of the 
coin! Its real shame though-when I can make better living working for grocery 
store than teaching history and PE! but thank you Walt when your right your 
right I was wrong  so = Please keep your steam up and have fun  --sorry dumb 
and why did i write that stuff ---------------very embarrass---tom :) 

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