Thankyou Father Walt & Mr. Lunkenheimer,

We all thankyou , you are our oracle--Wait--a Preacher??-you are bringing
in religion--a "no, no" too--gotcha!! Never mind-I luv your steam up

So, it's  now "Amen" on the subject--Wait --wot's that comment about  "old
Geoff coming close"--I'll lay awake all night worrying about that  one--any
other Geoffs out there? Hopefully!

Well back to my 3-1/2" track--whoops, another no no!

Gaugeful Uncle Geoff.  (Z to 3-1/2"-(not to Clark's--YET!!)

Tom & Group
>No apology necessary, I too sometimes get on my tree stump and try to be a
>I haven't met a perfect person yet (but old Geoff comes close)!
>Keep your steam up!
>Walt & Mr. Lunkenheimer


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