Organize it, publish it, and some people will
come...You'll probably find excuses about distance, 
time inconvenience, work commitments,age(just Walt,Jim
and Geoff),etc regardless of the event's
location...That's why multiple events are great.  If
you can't make one, perhaps you can reach
another...Not sure you need to get too formal or make
comparisons to the other events. We might even have an
event here in WI too for those who can't make yours!


--- Richard Finlayson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > >>1.  The Spring National Small Scale Steam up has
> not been accepted
> >as well as
> > >>was hoped.
> Did you ever attend? What is your criteria for
> "accepted"?
> I think a mid-west steamup is a good idea. I think
> more regional 
> steamups are a good idea. I think that Diamondhead
> is one of the 
> rarest, most satisfying hobbyist gatherings on the
> planet. To hold 
> that up as the only definition of "accepted" or even
> worthwhile sets 
> everyone up for one event a year. Likewise, for as
> perfect an event 
> as D'head is, there are reasons that smaller
> regional events can 
> better D'head in some respects.
> I'll defend the National Spring Steamup as a
> national class event. We 
> have regularly attracted east, west, and
> international (Japan, UK, 
> Canada) attendees.
> I hope a mid-west steamup gets going! I'd do my best
> to attend...
> -Richard
> P.S.
> The logic on travel time doesn't hold.  Diamondhead
> Mississippi 
> couldn't be a less convenient destination. 2 days
> from Florida, 2 
> days down the east coast, a full day of flying each
> way in and out of 
> New Orleans.
> > >>was hoped.  One of the reasons may be the
> California location.  It
> >is a 2 -
> > >>2 + day or more drive for those of us who live
> here in the Midwest,
> >longer
> > >>for those on the East coast.  The six or eight
> days of travel time
> >takes a
> > >>huge chunk of vacation time.  Air travel cuts
> the size and number
> >of engines
> >>that can be carried.
> ==================================================
> Richard Finlayson
> Check out:         "Steam In
> The Garden Online" 

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