But after getting all of this I think you would be so upset when you got a
spot of steam oil on it.


> Oh yes, can I just!
> Big, very big.
> In fact bigger than very big! Huge.
> And that's just the center piece in the necklace. I would want matching
> earrings etc. too! (*VBG*) And an evening dress to go with. Plus new shoes
> to match. And a few other things beside. (*laugh*).
> And of course having all this new finery, one would need to show it off.
> evenings out at tasteful (female code for "expensive") restaurants,
> a visit to the opera or a Broadway show (plus the air fair from England)
> and staying somewhere "nice" (alternative female code for "expensive").
> Second mortgage time, sounds like (*grin*).
> Best wishes,
> Susan.

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