Hi Dave, All.

I would absolutely NOT want the SSLS list to move away from plain text, or 
to allow the addition of attachments.

I pay for my connect time and being suddenly faced with a one megabyte plus 
download with a slow connection would be a serious pain. I often send and 
collect emails during the day when calls are at a premium rate, because I 
can get it all done within the minimum charge time. Browsing etc. I do at 
evenings and weekends.

And it would pose a serious security risk, something that as a MickySoft 98 
user I am all too aware of. I do not allow Java or ActiveX scripts to run, 
nor do I accept cookies. The first two are security risks and the latter is 
an invasion of privacy. Otherwise, what's the point of using a firewall?

The practice of providing links to pictures etc. works fine by me. Of 
course it is extra hassle to ftp the images, and maybe make up a page to go 
with them, but then that stops whimsical graphics from being inflicted on 
the unsuspecting.

For example of late there has been much expounding on the beauty of various 
peoples Rubies. Which I think is great. But being deluged with images of 
the self same beauties (and one of me in my pink bikini) would have been 
totally over the top.

I too think this list is great. To whit, interesting, informative and even 

Please keep it accessible.

Best wishes,

P.S. I get this list as a daily digest, which works very well for me.


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