Dave ;

    Stick to your guns. I dropped my egroups for 1 reason. I got nailed with
a virus called KAK.HTA. It fouled my computer badly enough that I had to
clean the hard drive and start over. It did not come from an attachment
either. It came from HTML enriched text. I'll supply details if anyone wants
them if they email me direct.

Phil.P. Reading,PA.

> At 10:35 AM -0800 12/9/00, Charles W. Walters wrote:
> >I respectively disagree.  Small Scale Live Steam is a great list and
> >resource, but lacks one thing;  the ability to post directly in email
> >messages.  I for one like that feature.  If for no other reason than
> >this is a good list to have as well as ssls.  just my humble opinion.
> OK, so this starts me thinking ...
> There are three reasons I have chosen to prevent attachments to be sent to
> the list:
> *The belief that most people have a low-bandwidth connection and may wish
> to download the picture later (when rates are lower or they may just have
> more time to download large files).
> *The belief that as a list member, you should have the right to control
> what large files you receive. If everyone can post to the list, then the
> poster controls what you download, not the receiver.
> *Attachments really trash digests. Specifically, the "no attachments" rule
> prevents HTML-encoded e-mail from being distributed on the list and
> HTML-encoded messages in a digest are horrible. A corollary to this is
> HTML-encoded e-mail makes the archives look bad too.
> Now, I am not going to take an offical vote here or anything (insert
> recount joke here), but if I get a sense that the list wishes to allow
> attachments, I will reconsider that ban.
> \dmc
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Dave Cole
> Gen'l Sup't:  Grand Teton & Everglades Steam Excursion Co.
>               Pacifica, Calif. USA <http://45mm.com/>
> List Mom:     sslivesteam, the list of small-scale live steamers
>               <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Editor:       TRELLIS & TRESTLE, the newsletter of the
>               Bay Area Garden Railway Society <http://www.bagrs.org/>
>               <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Webconductor: Pacific Coast Live Steamers <http://p-c-l-s.com/>
>               <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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