Special Susan et al,

Agreed--we get up to ( and over) 20 a day. If I had to d/l  pics etc
too-(and there would be many). Despite my "user friendly"  super fast iMac
I would quit !!  Did I hear clapping out there?--shutup!!


Hi Dave, All.
>I would absolutely NOT want the SSLS list to move away from plain text, or
>to allow the addition of attachments.
>I pay for my connect time and being suddenly faced with a one megabyte plus
>download with a slow connection would be a serious pain. I often send and
>collect emails during the day when calls are at a premium rate, because I
>can get it all done within the minimum charge time. Browsing etc. I do at
>evenings and weekends.
>And it would pose a serious security risk, something that as a MickySoft 98
>user I am all too aware of. I do not allow Java or ActiveX scripts to run,
>nor do I accept cookies. The first two are security risks and the latter is
>an invasion of privacy. Otherwise, what's the point of using a firewall?
>The practice of providing links to pictures etc. works fine by me. Of
>course it is extra hassle to ftp the images, and maybe make up a page to go
>with them, but then that stops whimsical graphics from being inflicted on
>the unsuspecting.
>For example of late there has been much expounding on the beauty of various
>peoples Rubies. Which I think is great. But being deluged with images of
>the self same beauties (and one of me in my pink bikini) would have been
>totally over the top.
>I too think this list is great. To whit, interesting, informative and even
>Please keep it accessible.
>Best wishes,
>P.S. I get this list as a daily digest, which works very well for me.


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