Gee,  Larry

Thanks for the kind words--AND the offer on the front garden track. Looking
forward to your railroad on April 1.--There will be photos on the internet
no doubt.

And lets see-"offers" from Bob and Scott on the desert track- This is
getting serious-almost! I shall have to drive down and see if the sand
dunes have levelled. Kidding!! The desert there is beautiful and doesn't
have the hi temps of the lower deserts. Lucerne has a redneck bar too, I

If I may deviate for a moment, we bought that property in 1967 'cos it was
right along the road between the mountains and Apple Valley and I KNEW it
was going rise incredulously in value--well it didn't--but it did nearly
everywhere else up there!!--Hey--an excursion RR-that'll make money! ?!

Sand box Spenceley.

Geoff Spenceley wrote:
>> .  It's still a
>> mess in my opinion and takes over the whole small backyard. But as I  tell
>> visiting garden clubs, the garden only serves the railway, or is incidental
>> to it.
>Geoffrey, Geoffrey, Geoffrey
>Your garden is not a mess. It is artistic whimsy Cassidy loves it and someday
>you will find all the things she rearranged.
>> Then I have that blinking 3-1/2" track encircling the house!
>And great fun it is too. The videos prove it. Your smile is quite large.
>>  However, all in all, local GR club meets here are enjoyed
>> ( particularrly by live steamers) because of the elevated  45mm  double
>> track--only 110
>> feet (sob) which is elevated with a 3% grade down to the g/l.  My
>> incredulous hindsight tells me that I should have put the track in the
>> much bigger front garden --as Tony has done.
>I keep telling you, lets do it. A little fence, and a little track and it's
>The trouble maker!
>Don't forget Apr. 1 my house.


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