My first Ga.1 steamer was a K4 I bought locally back in '89, 0r was it 90?, 
maybe '91.............
Sounds like the typical K-4 arrangement. There are two K-4's here now and I 
have had two others. I consider myself a novice compared to the Quirks and 
their experience with K-4's. Very definitely use the tank valve for 
regulation and leave the burner valve set at a comfortable level. Warm water 
around the tank is a great help. Personally, I use an old Crock Pot -  you 
can pick them up for two or three bucks at garage sales. I have a timer on 
one so it comes on early enough so I have warm water when the sunrise 
steaming begins. The pump spray bottle for the Goodall valve means I fire up 
much quicker. Water from the crock pot (not distilled)
is used to warm the spray bottle water. If you are fully conscious, putting 
the gas can in the water for one or two seconds gives the tank a quicker 
charge in cold weather. Even though I wear two hearing aids, I can still hear 
the change in the pitch of the burner, and add WARM water accordingly to the 
tender. I made a 1" diameter knob with a stem having a hole and slot to fit 
over the gas control valve. I have a mark on the top so I can register the 
amount I'm turning the valve. It's still the same old rotten valve, but I get 
greater control of it. NO, Messieurs Quirk, I DO NOT leave the big knob on 
the valve when the engine is running, and I do NOT leave the pump handle in 
the tender sticking up like a #$&c# in the air.
    How many of you remember the plants that vined down over the wall at DH?
Remember at DH2 how my K-4 gas hose sprung a leak and created a flame thrower 
that burned them off in an even line for many feet? That taught me that when 
you buy a used locomotive you ALWAYS replace the hoses, especially if it has 
not been used for a time.
    Ah yes, I remember it well........................
Keep your steam up!
Mr. Lunkenheimer's associate 

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