Of course with the "USA" company AristoCraft they have "in stock" Stainless
Steel rail in 8' lengths. Only took them 10 months after I ordered to make
it available to dealers. This, after supplying enough SS rail for me to have
previously purchased and installed 192' of track.
Gary - chilling in Eugene, Oregon

----- Original Message -----
From: Harry Wade
To: Multiple recipients of sslivesteam
Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: Frustration with order

At 11:31 AM 11/29/2002 -0800, you wrote:
>Four weeks ago I faxed an order to Brandbright in the UK.

      Only four weeks??  Pour yourself a tall stiff one and try not to
think about what might (or might not) be coming in tomorrow's post.  A good
book might also help, say the unabridged Gibbon's "The Decline and Fall of
the Roman Empire" Vols. 1-6.  I once waited eleven months for items that
were catalogued as "standard - in stock - ready for shipment" which I had
in turn advertised as "ready for delivery."   It's an endearing peculiarity
of doing business in the UK which seems worse because we (U.S.) are so used
to having it yesterday.  I know this doesn't help but it's just the way it
sometimes is.

Harry Wade
Nashville Tn

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