I will have to learn to be patient again. I have
adapted to well to the live in North America (I am
originally from Europe). Dealing with Roundhouse and
Finescale Engineering in England has spoiled me, too;
they can be reached by phone and e-mail any time and
it seems like they ship anything you want within


--- Harry Wade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 11:31 AM 11/29/2002 -0800, you wrote:
> >Four weeks ago I faxed an order to Brandbright in
> the UK.
>       Only four weeks??  Pour yourself a tall stiff
> one and try not to
> think about what might (or might not) be coming in
> tomorrow's post.  A good
> book might also help, say the unabridged Gibbon's
> "The Decline and Fall of
> the Roman Empire" Vols. 1-6.  I once waited eleven
> months for items that
> were catalogued as "standard - in stock - ready for
> shipment" which I had
> in turn advertised as "ready for delivery."   It's
> an endearing peculiarity
> of doing business in the UK which seems worse
> because we (U.S.) are so used
> to having it yesterday.  I know this doesn't help
> but it's just the way it
> sometimes is.
> Regards,
> Harry Wade
> Nashville Tn 

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