I have been following the threads concerning the surveys that have taken
place at various times within the last year.  I took part in the Aster
survey and found it to be (of course) geared toward Aster, which is okay as
it was their survey.  However, I don't believe a survey has been conducted
in a long while that is totally unbiased and not manufacturer sponsored.
        With that said, and in the hopes that the results of such a survey would be
valuable to a few manufacturers, I have created a shell for an online survey
that allows for anonymity and report ability.  It is my intention that the
results will be shared with as many manufacturers as possible, here on the
listserv and reported in Steam in the Garden.  Maybe someone will take
notice.  What I need from this illustrious group is a list of questions that
you would like to see on the survey.  If possible, please make the questions
geared toward check box answers.  This will ensure a cleaner database.  But
one line answers will work also.  When the survey is ready, I will post the

My Best,


Charles W. Walters
Twin Lakes Railway CEO


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