Hi Chuck, Just a few possible questions:1) age  2)country
3) Number of engines  4) years in hobby 5) income bracket.. if employed 6)
do you have: a) narrow gauge
b) mainline c) both
7) if you dare to ask.. what type of fuel do you prefer?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck Walters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Multiple recipients of sslivesteam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 9:43 AM
Subject: Online Survey

> I have been following the threads concerning the surveys that have taken
> place at various times within the last year.  I took part in the Aster
> survey and found it to be (of course) geared toward Aster, which is okay
> it was their survey.  However, I don't believe a survey has been conducted
> in a long while that is totally unbiased and not manufacturer sponsored.
> With that said, and in the hopes that the results of such a survey would
> valuable to a few manufacturers, I have created a shell for an online
> that allows for anonymity and report ability.  It is my intention that the
> results will be shared with as many manufacturers as possible, here on the
> listserv and reported in Steam in the Garden.  Maybe someone will take
> notice.  What I need from this illustrious group is a list of questions
> you would like to see on the survey.  If possible, please make the
> geared toward check box answers.  This will ensure a cleaner database.
> one line answers will work also.  When the survey is ready, I will post
> link.
> My Best,
> Chuck
> Charles W. Walters
> Twin Lakes Railway CEO
> http://home.twcny.rr.com/twinlakesrw

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