Hmmm, can you picture a shay without foot boards? Yuk!  I have a picture of
the Q&TL #6 with a pilot and it really looks odd, in part because the engine
is so "fat" compared to the rails.  The pilot takes on a "Hitler mustache"
kind of look.  At some point the 6 lost it, but not sure when or why.

Any one have some full sized moose antlers for sale?

> >  And I hate "cow catchers" with a vengeance.
> > Although the 6 had one at one time, it lost it at some point for a
> hand some
> > foot board.
> A "Cow Catcher" is not the thing.....but a correct Pilot would not be
> out of line at all! Not a cheapo deal made from angle iron, like the
> 50's Daisy Picker lines used. But a correct from Baldwin drawings in Oak
> would be very attractive. Not to mention that if the FRA were to ever
> get jurisdiction, your foot boards would be goe in a blink! (OSHA
> probably would faint if they saw foot boards! They have been gone from
> Main line RR's for 30 years now)


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