It is since you cannot uniquely separate the JID into its node+domain+resource parts.
You cannot tell which the node part is. In my example


the node part may be: mats\\2fcoci\\2fmats
The problem is escaping both the "@" and "/" and be able to uniquely identify the node+domain+resource parts of a JID. I think you can allow to escape either of these characters but not both.

No it wont be like that, JID escaping has absolutely nothing to do with how you would parse a JID that a user had entered, according to your example and the rules defined in the RFCs you would separate out what the user had entered as:

node: mats

I think you are confused as to what the purpose of JID escaping is, you do not escape JID's that a user has entered in any way shape or form ever, if a JID should have escaping in it then its the user who will input the already escaped version, the client should never transform it.

The purpose of JID escaping is so that addresses at things like transports (i.e. the msn transport) that have node parts that would not normally fit in with JID's in a standard way that can be potensially decoded by clients in a meaningful way, i.e. a client might treat MSN transport contacts differently in the UI and display just the msn address along with an MSN messenger icon next to it (like the multi protocol clients), i.e. [EMAIL PROTECTED] rather than the actual JID which is [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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