Remko Tronçon wrote:
>> I'm late posting, but case-sensitivity is just one of many ways that room
>> nicks can be confusing. "StPeter" vs "St.Peter" vs "St. Peter" vs
>> "St Peter", or even "StPeter " -- and then there are all the visually
>> confusable Unicode glyphs. ("StΡeter".) It's not obvious to me that
>> case-folding is the worst of these.
> That's true. That's why Textshell's proposal of leaving it up to the
> server to decide what's duplicate and what not is the best way to go.
> A simple implementation does no checking at all, whereas a very
> complex implementation could use an algorithm to calculate similarness
> of nicknames (taking into account the whole Unicode set and
> spaces/dots/characters in between characters, ...), and reject the
> ones that are too similar.

Right. And IMHO the implementation would always return the same error
for that:


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