Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
> On 06/17/2008 11:31 AM, Dirk Meyer wrote:
>> I have some questions about IBB: I should use <message> if I have
>> AMP. But to detect that I need to ask both servers involved and the
>> peer if they all support it, right? 
> Yeah. AMP is not yet widely deployed at all. Better to use IQ for now, I
> think.

Too bad. IMHO AMP and Stanza Acknowledgements are a must have for
reliable communication.

> We'll have another XMPP Summit at FOSDEM 2009 in Brussels. I was just
> hoping we could put together an XTLS hackathon in July, but we could do
> that online, too.

So that is a "No" to an IETF meeting. Too bad, Dublin is nice :).
Brussels sound much better for me and if someone else implements this,
I'm ready for an online session. I have XTLS (the old version) and
Jingle-Streams implemented -- at least opening and using the stream,
my implementation does not like such a stream ending :)


What happens if a big asteroid hits the Earth? Judging from realistic
simulations involving a sledge hammer and a common laboratory frog, we
can assume it will be pretty bad.

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