On Tue Oct 14 17:59:35 2008, Jonathan Schleifer wrote:
Dave Cridland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> No it wasn't.

A patch for ejabberd was ready in 2 days, I'm using that on my server
and never got a problem. For Gajim, it tooks *MONTHS* to get a fix.
Wasn't that bug even open for more than 1 year? So what's easier to fix
now? Clearly ejabberd…

Erm. I wrote the fix for Gajim, I'm well aware of how long it took me, from a first look to a fix. I'd put it at two days elapsed, but about three hours of actual coding. I'd dispute the idea I was trying to get it done for more than a year - I've not even used Gajim that long.

Dave Cridland - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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