On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 10:36:09AM -0600, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
> Maybe I agree with you ("simple clients, complex servers"), but I'd like
> to hear what other server and client developers think.

XMPP has mostly avoided Postel's Law. Nobody has to deal with ill-formed
XML because nobody sends ill-formed XML. Nobody sends ill-formed XML
because nobody accepts it, and what use is a client or server that
nobody can receive messages from?

I think this is ideal; bad producers never have a chance to enter the

This unfortunate oversight in the original RFC has spoiled that, but we
can still fix it. Even if it takes years for most server deployments to
be updated, I'm expecting XMPP to be around for decades (centuries?).

The alternative (limiting what parsers non-toy clients can use, maybe even
requiring them to write their own or use liberal "XML" parsers) is ugly.
I don't want XMPP to end up like HTML. (though I doubt it would ever get
*that* bad :))

Also keep in mind that in this context "servers" only means the actual
stanza router; having to handle namespace ill-formed XML beyond rejecting
it complicates things for component developers too.

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