On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 06:11:56AM -0600, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
> Brendan Taylor wrote:
> > I just noticed this clause:
> > 
> >   ... but MUST NOT return a stream error in response to the receipt
> >   of [Bad XMLNS].
> > 
> > Why is that there? Silently dropping the stanza seems like a bad idea.
> > It also requires servers to be able to handle Bad XMLNS, which is a step
> > backward from where we are now.
> That is the nub of the issue being discussed here. :)

Even if we're not willing to require servers to be draconian about Bad
XMLNS, the ones that are draconian about it should return the same kind
of error that they would have for Bad XML.

I don't see any reason to say that they MUST NOT return a stream error.

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