Joe Hildebrand wrote:
On Mar 3, 2009, at 10:21 AM, Helge Timenes wrote:

Actually, I meant the local ethernet (MAC) address of your active network connection(s). There are network elements that keep track of the ethernet addresses they have seen, and can glean location information from that connectivity information. Imagine that your switch's ARP map was query-able, and you knew where each switch port was punched down in a given office. Also imagine a network of wireless access points that can triangulate on you, given your ethernet address.
I will come back to you on that one when i have fully understood what you meant (can't really think in the bus I'm sitting in ATM ;-)

To be clear, what I'm asking for is the addition of an "ethernet" reference type, which is the ethernet address of a NIC on the user's machine.
Let me try to recapture this scenario, just to see if i understood it right: Someone attaches his notebook to, say, an ethernet wall socket in an office building. The local network switch, or some service with access to it, knows where each ethernet wall socket is located (room number, lat/lon or what have you) and thus would know where each connected device is. So if the device itself wants to know, it would send a location query with the NIC MAC to this service and get its location served on a plate. Is that about right?

1) Need a "discovering support" section. I might want to find a location service using disco#items/disco#info, as implied by "run as a component on the same or a different machine from the XMPP server itself".
Yes that makes sense. Will add to TODO list.


2) For components outside your core XMPP service, it would be nice to direct a presence to them first, so that they get notified when you go offline.
If a location server provide location upon request, I'm not sure if online/offline presence adds much...?

The use case I've got is that the location server wants to know when your device is no longer a source of location. Unavailable presence is a great indicator for that. If you direct a presence to the location server, then it will always get notified when you go offline, in much the same way that a XEP-45 chat room does.
What would the server do with the offline presence info? Clear this users geoloc Pub-Sub node?

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