On Mar 2, 2009, at 7:23 PM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

I was chatting with Joe Hildebrand about XEP-0255 and he mentioned that it would be good to add a reference type for an Ethernet address, such as:

<iq from='ham...@shakespeare.lit/phone'
 <locationquery xmlns='urn:xmpp:locationquery:0'>

It seems that we'd need this because your ethernet address might be
different from your wifi address even in the same location (e.g., where I am right now my ethernet address is 00:23:32:d4:28:ea whereas my wifi
address is 00:23:6c:88:d4:1d).

I don't see the usefulness of sending my own mac address. But sending the mac address of my default gateway, then yes, I find that very useful. That's how a lot of "location aware"-tools for the Mac work for example.

Other scenario: bounjour printers, for example. I would send the mac address of the printer and get the coordinates. They usually have a "location" field in the bonjour advertisement, though.

Best regards,
Pedro Melo
Blog: http://www.simplicidade.org/notes/
XMPP ID: m...@simplicidade.org

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