Sorry, just catching up on the thread. An interesting discussion. :)

On 3/7/09 10:45 AM, Joe Hildebrand wrote:
> On Mar 7, 2009, at 2:07 AM, Dave Cridland wrote:
>> On Sat Mar  7 00:49:30 2009, Joe Hildebrand wrote:
>>> I actually think that moving stream management after the bind is a 
>>> good thing.  Much more flexible, and a relatively minor change.
>> I think moving sm-id generation - which is the real issue - until
>> after resumable sessions are enabled, and explicitly making sm-id a
>> one-use resume ticket, is certainly a good idea. I think restricting
>> the protocol to C2S is a bad idea.
> OK, fine.   And I see what you're getting at in your other mail.  So
> we'd do this:
> S: <stream:features>
>      <bind xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind'>
>        <required/>
>      </bind>
>      <sm xmlns='urn:xmpp:sm:0' max='15' stanzas='4'>
>        <optional/>
>      </sm>
>    </stream:features>
> C: <iq id='bind_1' type='set'>
>     <bind xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind'/>
>    </iq>
> S: <iq id='bind_1' type='result'>
>     <bind xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind'>
>       <jid>
>       </jid>
>     </bind>
>    </iq>
> C: <enable xmlns='urn:xmpp:sm:0'/>
> S: <enabled xmlns='urn:xmpp:sm:0' resume='1' id='some-long-id'/>

Yes, that seems reasonable. For s2s the sm-id would be generated after
SASL EXTERNAL, for c2s after resource binding.

> Then I think all that is needed is couple of sentences in section 2 that
> says something like:
> "All other stream features offered along with the stream management
> feature which the initiating entity wishes to process MUST be  processed
> before the stream management feature.  This will typically mean that you
> bind your resource BEFORE you initiate stream management on
> client-to-server streams."

Something like that, yes. I can wordsmith.

> And then a section that talks about the id, how it's opaque to the
> initiating entity, that any characters allowed in an XML attribute may
> be used, it must not be reused, and that it has a max size of say...
> 4k.  If Mickael wants to encode his id as the full JID plus a nonce, he
> can.

Mickael, does that work for you?

>>> I didn't get what you said after this, because the first part didn't 
>>> really make sense to me.  Are you suggesting that we do XEP-198 on
>>> S2S  connections?  Why bother?   They're close enough to stateless
>>> that we  shouldn't perturb -198 will new requirements.
>> Reliability, not optimization.
> Got it.


>>> - When the server gives stream features for resumption, it MAY
>>> include  a hostname/IP and port on which to reconnect.  This allows
>>> some  flexibility of deployment.
>> Right, that's possible, although I'd suggest we actually made the
>> default to reconnect on the same address as before (ie, the same IP
>> address and port).
> If the server doesn't specify, then yes, SHOULD connect back to the same
> IP/port.   


> When you're deployed behind a load balancer, the client
> doesn't have enough info to do that, however.

So then the server needs to be smart.

>>> - Server gives the client a max number of stanzas between 
>>> acknowledgements.  That way the server can have some control over
>>> what  it needs to buffer.
>> Good point.
>>> - Server tells the client the maximum amount of time it will keep
>>> the  session around after disconnection, in seconds.  If the client
>>> can't  get reconnected in that timeframe, it can drop its state.
>> I think we do this already?
> Oops.  I missed that. There should probably be a little more text that
> describes the consequences of max.  Is minutes enough resolution?  I
> don't have a strong opinion about that.

I think seconds is better. It seems to me that it might be less than a

>>> - Clients SHOULD NOT send ack requests back-to-back, without 
>>> intervening stanzas.
>> It's equivalent to a ping, I don't see the harm here.
>> Specifically, while I can see reasons not to do this, I can't see what
>> would cause interop problems.
> Hm.  Why do we need the pings as separate protocol, then?

We don't. We wrote the XMPP Ping stuff because people weren't as
friendly to Stream Management ("Stanza Acking") back then.

I will endeavor to update XEP-0198 today or tomorrow so that we all have
a clearer vision of the protocol.


Peter Saint-Andre

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