On 3/12/09 10:06 PM, Joe Hildebrand wrote:
> On Mar 12, 2009, at 4:29 PM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
>> The phrase "when the server gives stream features for resumption" could
>> mean two things:
>> 1. Whenever a server that supports stream resumption sends stream
>> features.
>> OR
>> 2. When a server sends stream features to an initiating entity that is
>> attemping to resume a session.
>> Given that #2 involves mind-reading, I think we mean #1. But isn't it
>> possible that the host+port to which a client reconnects is not known at
>> the time the server sends stream features? (The exception would seem to
>> be that the server sends the client to some kind of load balancer.)
> How about this:
> C: <enable xmlns='urn:xmpp:sm:0'/>
> S: <enabled xmlns='urn:xmpp:sm:0' resume='1' id='some-long-id'
> host='foo.example.com' port='5222'/>


I will try to finish my edits to XEP-0198 today. Other than the
clarifications we've discussed, I'm working to improve the error
handling and also add some more detailed scenarios so that we have a lot
more examples.

"We Put the Example in Example.com!" [tm]


Peter Saint-Andre

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