On 2009/07/15, at 22:15, Fabio Forno wrote:

2009/7/15 Remko Tronçon <re...@el-tramo.be>:

True. If we use a new protocol, a client can announce support of it
through entity capabilities, and the service can decide what to do at
presence-receive time. Of course, this will still mean an add/auth
storm if you ever use one client that doesn't support the protocol,
which is indeed painful. That's why I would only check that at
registration time, but that in turn will lead to questions like "Why
don't i see my contacts if i log in with my mobile client?"

We have two clients, A and B, only A supports the new protocol. A
registers with the gateway so that contacts are not set in the main
roster. Then B sends its presence and the gw what should do? If if
does nothing, since the client won't get roster we just miss the
contacts, but it is worse if it tries to add the contatcs to the main
roster. After that for client A all the contacts are duplicated, and
their handling may not be trivial.

I've been thinking about this problem and I don't see a solution for this that is compatible with different generation of clients (those who support trusted sources for jabber:iq:roster and those that don't).

I think this might be one situation where you would have to use a big bang approach: each user decides which protocol he wants to use, and all his clients must use that one.

I'm hoping someone smarter will come up with something better though :)

Best regards,

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