On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 8:15 PM, Brian Cully<bcu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 13-Aug-2009, at 21:06, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
>> Whether any of these attack vectors are worrisome is another matter.
>        I tend not to think so. In the case where a bare JID is reused (e.g.,
> "anonym...@example.com") then it's acceptable to generate a resource (thus,
> the SHOULD should become a MAY in the XEP), and it comes down to a
> particular server implementation and how it generates bare JIDs. In the case
> where the bare JID is truly unique to any given stream then there's no
> reason to generate a resource.

I would also like to see SHOULD replaced by MAY in that sentence.
Other than that I like the changes.


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