A number of XEPs are due to be deferred in the next 4-5 weeks. Here is
my take...

1. XEP-0215: External Service Discovery

I still find this interesting, but we've never received much feedback on
it. Thoughts?

2. XEP-0232: Software Information

I think this is dead in the water, given how strongly Council members
and others resisted it last time. However, be aware that people still
want this feature, and will use XEP-0092 instead forever.

3. XEP-0234: Jingle File Transfer

I've been meaning to review this one again soon. We need to move this to
draft along with the rest of the file transfer stack.

4. XEP-0247: Jingle XML Streams

IMHO we don't need this one any longer, so it can lapse without issue.

5. XEP-0257: Client Certificate Management for SASL EXTERNAL

I'll ping Dirk Meyer about this one.

6. XEP-0259: Message Mine-ing

The author has some updates on the way.

7. XEP-0261: Jingle In-Band Bytestreams Transport Method

This one goes along with XEP-0234. Reviews would be appreciated.

8. XEP-0262: Use of ZRTP in Jingle RTP Sessions

This one depends on draft-zimmermann-avt-zrtp (a new version was
published a few days ago). I'll ping the author of that I-D to find out
whether he thinks it will move forward soon. I don't think any changes
to XEP-0262 are needed.

Feedback is welcome as always.


Peter Saint-Andre

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