On 06/02/2011 10:39 PM, Arc Riley wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 7:03 AM, Sergey Dobrov <bin...@jrudevels.org
> <mailto:bin...@jrudevels.org>> wrote:
>     > some files. But I never heard of the XEP-0135, will read it as soon as
>     > possible. Anyway, by looking at it quickly, it gives me some ideas
>     about
>     > how we could manage photo albums/file albums to extend XMPP social
>     > features!
>     > 1. In the microblogging XEP we wanted to define a simple way to share
>     But, again, this protocol doesn't clarify the way to upload files to the
>     filehosting service. I mean, that's ok to use SI protocol to do that but
>     how to specify a path to upload file to?
> This feels like feature bloat.  Uploading files such as photos, music,
> etc can be done with other XMPP extensions, trying to add every social
> networking feature we can think of to microblogging will only delay its
> standardization.
I agree but if file attachment already in XEP we have to specify how
client could upload it. Am I wrong? I know that Jappix do it simply by
uploading it to it's server. But Jappix is a web client and it can do it
very simply. What about regular clients?

> We're playing catchup on this to status.net <http://status.net> and the
> PubSubHubHub microblogging protocols being pushed by other groups.

With best regards,
Sergey Dobrov,
XMPP Developer and JRuDevels.org founder.

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