On 07/19/2011 10:19 PM, XMPP Extensions Editor wrote:
The XMPP Extensions Editor has received a proposal for a new XEP.

Title: Whitespace Keepalive Negotiation

Abstract: This specification defines a method for negotiating how to send 
keepalives in XMPP.

URL: http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/keepalive.html

The XMPP Council will decide at its next meeting whether to accept this 
proposal as an official XEP.

hmm I'm not sure this XEP is really usefull. How can server guess the network configuration between client and server? Client may be on a network that cuts connections after 30 seconds of inactivity and server propose a timeout between 60 and 120. That means we cannot connect to this server? Or send whitespace every 30 seconds and be a bad client? the 2nb point of implementation notes is hard to respect: server and client may not know network configuration between them.

Whitespace are very small things, is it really usefull for the server to say don't send that too often? I can understand that for xmpp ping (XEP-0199), but for whitespace ...

I'm not sure very vague information re usefull. Like "a period of time significantly longer than the negotiated value" That doesn't help implementors to choose this time. But maybe it's not good to force this time in the XEP.

Conclusion: I can understand this XEP for xmpp ping (quite long stanza), but I don't find it very usefull for whitespace ping.

Just my opinion

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