On Jul 20, 2011, at 15:05, Glenn Maynard wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 3:50 PM, Matthew A. Miller 
> <linuxw...@outer-planes.net> wrote:
> If a server is sending (in)frequent keepalives, and the client knows it 
> should have them (more) less, then this protocol allows for that to be 
> opted-in on a per-connection basis.
> Both servers and clients should use as infrequent keepalives as their network 
> and local network policy allows, and the other side shouldn't need to ask the 
> other side to send keepalives *more* frequently.

As I said before, "Your Milage May Vary".  Many of the networks I deal with an 
certain keepalive frequencies are good for one set of conditions but not 

> It almost seems you're suggesting a service should effectively run a separate 
> connection manager for each variant of device/platform/network/solar 
> activity/phase of moon/etc.  That doesn't sound very scalable to me.
> (I said nothing of the sort.)

Then my apologies.

> Sending at the same rate usually means each end will detect a stale 
> connection at roughly the same time.  That's a Good Thing™.
> I don't see any significant problem if one side detects a disconnection more 
> quickly than the other; it's going to happen anyway.  With any reasonable 
> keepalive interval, they're likely to be many minutes apart anyhow, and the 
> common causes of disconnections are always going to be asymmetric (losing a 
> WiFi/mobile connection; a PC crashing).

There are architectures where knowing sooner can improve

> As Ben stated, it's an optional feature; if you don't want it, don't use it.
> "Add everything under the moon; it's okay since it's all optional" is no sane 
> development strategy.

I would agree adding something just for adding's sake is not sane.  I don't 
think this is one of those cases.  Maybe we can agree to disagree.

> Also, I'm not sure what you mean by "stalled".  XEPs -0124 and -0206 are 
> DRAFT, updated with implementation experience.  Are you suggesting we should 
> progress them to FINAL, or do you have a specific set of problems that need 
> immediate attention?
> I gave a detailed, specific list of feedback several months ago.  I received 
> no (editorial) reply.  
> http://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/bosh/2011-May/000380.html

Thank you for the reference.  I don't regularly monitor the more focused lists. 
 I'll read it through and try to respond.

- m&m

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