On Jul 19, 2011, at 19:42, Glenn Maynard wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 9:13 PM, Matthew A. Miller 
> <linuxw...@outer-planes.net> wrote:
> Sending at that rate will result in a disconnected socket for most of the 
> networks I've seen.  There are still an exorbitant number of routers, 
> proxies, firewalls, and load balancers deployed and configured such that they 
> will (silently!) drop a connection if there is no traffic for 5-10 minutes.
> I've never encountered a network that'll disconnect with 10-15-minute 
> keepalives; there may be some, but I doubt "most".


My employer has plenty of customers that like to keep the network reigns rather 
tight.  This optional-to-negotiate proposal is one suggestion for dealing with 
them real-world deployments.

> A number of clients will send a keepalive (whitespace or otherwise) every 
> 60-120 seconds; a number of server deployments will send their own at roughly 
> the same rate.  This is great for desktops, but less than ideal for mobile.
> But, this doesn't require negotiation.  If a client needs to send keepalives 
> more frequently (due to broken routers) or less frequently (battery life), it 
> doesn't need to discuss that with the server; it can just do it.  If a server 
> is unfortunate enough to be behind broken software that drops connections too 
> quickly, it can likewise adjust its own keepalive interval to compensate, 
> without any negotiation; otherwise it should send them infrequently (if at 
> all).  Servers shouldn't be sending keepalives every 60-120 seconds.

If a server is sending (in)frequent keepalives, and the client knows it should 
have them (more) less, then this protocol allows for that to be opted-in on a 
per-connection basis.

It almost seems you're suggesting a service should effectively run a separate 
connection manager for each variant of device/platform/network/solar 
activity/phase of moon/etc.  That doesn't sound very scalable to me.

> This just seems like an overcomplication that isn't likely to actually 
> negotiate values that make sense.  It also seems to assume that the client 
> and server will always send keepalives at the same rate.

Sending at the same rate usually means each end will detect a stale connection 
at roughly the same time.  That's a Good Thing™.

As Ben stated, it's an optional feature; if you don't want it, don't use it.

> (Of course, mobile clients should really be using xbosh anyway, which avoids 
> these and other issues, but it seems like the bosh/xbosh specs have 
> stalled...)

I don't agree with that statement, as others have already indicated reasons for.

Also, I'm not sure what you mean by "stalled".  XEPs -0124 and -0206 are DRAFT, 
updated with implementation experience.  Are you suggesting we should progress 
them to FINAL, or do you have a specific set of problems that need immediate 

- m&m

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