Am 18.08.2011 23:00, schrieb Alexander Holler:
Am 18.08.2011 15:43, schrieb Peter Saint-Andre:
I've completed a round of revisions to XEP-0045 (Multi-User Chat) in an
effort to incorporate developer feedback I've received since the last
version 3 years ago. The XMPP Council would like to vote on these
revisions before the end of September or possibly early October, so it
would be great if folks could check the diff in the next few weeks:

A rendered version is here:

Thanks for the update. I will try to read (again) as much as I can.

Here is my current list of open questions:

- Which nicks are reserved? (owner, admins, members)
- Owners, admins ormembers without reserved nicks?
- What happens with reserved nicks when someone changes his nick? Does the reserved nick changes too?

I don't know why fully-anonymous rooms got removed, according tothe history this was done 2002. But I think there are good reasons for rooms where even moderators or owners shouldn't be able to see real JIDs. E.g. thinking about countries where people have to fear speaking freely without beeing anonymous. There might be possibilities to discover real JIDs when access to the machine running the service is available, but if someone (a owner or moderator) doesn't have such, he can't be get under pressure to reveal real JIDs because he just can't see them.

So here are my 2ยข for in regard to fully-anonymous rooms:

- muc_fullyanonymous in service discovery is missing,
- make a note about problems with fully-anonymous rooms, e.g how to ban someone without revealing his jid in the list of outcasts, how to remove an outcast if the outcast was done based on the nick only, possible solution: outcasts with a timeout). Besides removing outcasts, I think anything else could be handled through the use of nicks only.

To not having the need to define how fully-anonymous rooms are handled, maybe the xep could just list the value 'none' for whois (no change needed), add muc_fullyanonymous to service discovery and say everything else in regard to how fully-anonymous rooms are handled (if supported) is implementation specific.



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