On Saturday, September 03, 2011 03:07:45 AM Sergey Dobrov wrote:
> On 09/03/2011 12:41 AM, Justin Karneges wrote:
> > The drawback to node metadata is it does not support update
> > notifications.  I have the need to track this data, particularly the
> > conversation title.
> Don't understand why to change that.

Don't understand why the title of a conversation might change?

> > Activity makes it much easier to determine what has happened to an item. 
> > For example, if a moderator edits a comment, this is easily described in
> > activity terms.  Simply doing complete replacement of comment items is
> > not terrible but it makes it harder for listeners to figure out what is
> > going on.
> > 
> > The main point is the activity node is an append-only changelog, and the
> > comments node is an up-to-date compilation of that log.
> That's funny: some earlier you said: "My stance is there is nothing
> wrong with using a journal to implement pubsub, but ideally pubsub-using
> protocols should not be so complex that they require a journal-based
> implementation to participate." And now you talking about inventing the
> same journal but in specific (non-universal) way and in much more
> complex manner. Why?

It's simple: the activity node has optional persistence, hence the journal is 

> > The plan for likes is you'd publish to the activity node ("Justin likes
> > comment X"), but on the comment node this would be reflected as a
> > property of an existing comment rather than a new item.  Comment items
> > could have "like" data stored within them, such as a count and maybe a
> > list of the last five people to like the comment.
> I think that all these actions should not be copied from centralized
> services since that services have more possibilities to control them. I
> mean, it will be very hard to check if likes are winded by some bad
> mans. Also it will be hard to represent some statistics of most liked
> items. So I think that these things should be solved in that manner how
> google ranking web pages: aggregators will rank items by repost counts
> or something. And, yes, for user like button should be replaced by
> "repost" or "repost with comment", I have such functionality in my
> microblogging service and I want to add it into the XEP-277.

What do you mean by centralized?  That the conversation is the authority on 
all of its replies and likes?


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