On 08/31/2011 02:56 AM, Justin Karneges wrote:
> On Tuesday, August 30, 2011 04:16:29 AM Sergey Dobrov wrote:
> By dynamic node, I just mean the node can accept parameters when fulfilling 
> requests.
> I guess you could write some reusable code that marshals the parameters (i.e. 
> popping them off the end of a node name).  But, which parameters are possible 
> and how the parameters shall be honored is node-specific, so there's not 
> really 
> much more generic code you can write.
Do you mean that pubsub service which serves commenting node should be
not a generic pubsub service but some specific?

Then, I don't really understand what is necessity of XEP-303 at all. In
the XEP-277 is already defined a way how to comment on microblog posts,
why not to use the same way, why is needed another entity?

Then, some things in XEP-303 are just corrections for XEP-60 which will
bring mess in standards and pubsub developers will not know where to
find proper specification which will lead to incompatibilities in
different pubsub implementation.

About dynamic nodes, I think that it's completely unnecessary thing and
it's enough to define the way to sort on created or modified time in the
XEP-60 itself. But I really afraid about that inconsistency which may be
invented with such XEPs as 303 (277 too, he-he).

And, maybe it will be useful to make possible to make some hooks on item
publishing to validate posted data but that's a subject for another thread.

With best regards,
Sergey Dobrov,
XMPP Developer and JRuDevels.org founder.

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