On 08/26/2011 01:08 AM, Justin Karneges wrote:
> On Thursday, August 25, 2011 07:27:16 AM Sergey Dobrov wrote:
>> On 08/25/2011 03:36 AM, Justin Karneges wrote:
>>> Yes, if tracking changes is needed then the node should have a way of
>>> offering items ordered by modified time.
>>> Being able to query for items using different kinds of orderings would be
>>> useful though, so I didn't want to stipulate that pubsub with RSM must
>>> always be ordered by modified time.  Rather, each node would have some
>>> sort of natural ordering depending on intended purpose, and if we want
>>> the client to be able to select among multiple orderings offered by a
>>> node then that would be a separate extension or scheme.
>> Yes, it's sounds ok but what with retracts again?
> At the moment, I feel this is best done by having a node-specific item format 
> indicating deletion.  For Atom-based pubsub nodes, this could be contentless 
> <entry>.
I don't sure that it's fine decision since blank entry is not equal to a
retracted item. Anyway, it needs to be described in XEP-60.

> But I think it would also be good to see about getting <retract> into the 
> spec 
> for iq exchange.
>> And how I can
>> understand if I missed something and should to re-request items from node?
> Each pubsub message event should contain two RSM ids: the id of the item 
> contained in the event as well as the id of the item that directly precedes 
> it 
> according to the item ordering.  Whether by iq or message, the client would 
> remember the last known RSM id.  If a message event is received and the "id 
> of 
> preceding item" in that message does not match the last id known by the 
> client, then the client can choose to catch up by using iq to fetch items 
> since the last known id.
> We could use SHIM for this:
>   <headers xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/shim";>
>     <header name="RsmId">64fc10d2</header>
>     <header name="PreviousRsmId">f4ac5920</header>
>   </headers>
That is seems to be ok.

>>> For example, my XEP-0303 proposes selecting ordering using special node
>>> name suffixing, such as "?order=-created" to indicate created time
>>> descending order. But this is just one way to go about it.
>> I don't have enough time to dive into XEP-303 enough but I don't think
>> that this is a good idea to use "dynamic" pubsub nodes without separate
>> XEP for it. Again, I don't think that different ordering is really need
>> at this time.
> Maybe you don't need it, but I need it. :)  The commenting protocol requires 
> both created time ordering (for application display render) and modified time 
> ordering (for tracking updates).  But, I am open to discussing alternatives 
> that don't involve dynamic node names.
But where determined what is "dynamic" node? How servers can implement
it without specification?

> Justin

With best regards,
Sergey Dobrov,
XMPP Developer and JRuDevels.org founder.

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