On 1/24/12 2:53 PM, Kevin Smith wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 9:26 PM, Peter Saint-Andre <stpe...@stpeter.im> wrote:
>> On 1/24/12 11:14 AM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
>> After jabbering with Kev for a bit, here's a follow-up on the status
>> code 210 issue (originally raised by Waqas Hussain).
>> I think Waqas meant that the client needs to listen for status code
>> "110" (self-presence) plus "210" (nick changed) but I'm not sure. Waqas,
>> please confirm.
> Aside: In fact, 210 is completely redundant, as if you receive a 110
> from a nick that wasn't what you expected, you know your nick has been
> changed, but this isn't relevant here.
>> Via IM, Kev pointed out that this should be for self-presence only. I
>> think he's right about that, so one of the paragraphs currently in the
>> working version is wrong (right after Example 76):
>>  If the user's nickname is modified by the service as a result of
>>  registration and the user is in the room, the service SHOULD include
>>  status code "210" in the updated presence notification that it sends
>>  to all users.
> This was my complaint. Sorry if I was unclear and seemed to be
> complaining about the other uses.
>> So I propose that we fix the text after Example 76:
>> OLD
>>  If the user's nickname is modified by the service as a result of
>>  registration and the user is in the room, the service SHOULD include
>>  status code "210" in the updated presence notification that it sends
>>  to all users.
>> NEW
>>  If the user's nickname is modified by the service as a result of
>>  registration and the user is in the room, the service SHOULD include
>>  status code "210" in the updated presence notification that it sends
>>  to the user.
> +1

OK, I've checked a new version into source control:




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